Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro.

Sadia Ansari
2 min readDec 28, 2020

What is this Interesting technique actually?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. (Source Wikipedia)

How I applied this technique to deal with procrastination?

I applied this technique to complete reading a chapter from the book and to deal with procrastination (the action of delaying or postponing something) actually, you can apply this technique to doing anything that requires your proper focus and attention.

So, I started reading the book and set a timer on the mobile app and tried to have my full attention to the book (that is actually difficult for me :p) until the timer rang and I put a star on the notebook. Took a short break of 2–3 mins where I checked mobile lol. And again repeated this 4 times. After 4th time I took a long break of 15–20 mins and I ate fruit in that time :p and back to the technique again until I finished the chapter.

Sharing my experience of this technique by answering the following questions that might help you to apply this technique effectively.

Was this experiment difficult for you or not that difficult?

Actually I already had a similar kind of experience in university life so for me, this was not a difficult experiment I actually enjoyed doing this and you know what that short break is like a little reward for you and you pay attention in those 25 minutes in order to get that reward :D

Did it help you accomplish more or about the same?

To be honest, the thing I accomplished more in this technique was my proper attention, we read actually in daily routine as well but that mindset of short breaks and starting it again by getting a refreshed mind was a true accomplishment in my point of view.

Do you plan on doing this again regularly, and what will you do to improve the experience?

Actually yes I’ll apply this technique again and will have more fruitful experience of this and to improve my experience I guess avoiding all the possible distractions during this will be improving my experience and setting a small goal and motivating yourself to achieve that.

In the end, I just want to recommend you that use Pomodoro Timer app you’ll get easily on Google Play and it will improve your experience even better.

Thanks and Regards

Sadia Ansari

